A central question in much of my work is: "What do we see?" When vision or perception is discussed in textbooks, we find pages and pages about processing "low-level" properties such as color, orientation, or motion. But in my work, I aim to push our understanding of visual processing, exploring how perception may also extract traditionally "higher-level" concepts (e.g. in intuitive physics and unfinishedness) and complex dynamic properties (such as navigational affordances).

Research Projects
Click on any of the boxes below to read more!
Seeing Intuitive Physics
When viewing static scenes, do we extract the underlying physics? Even spontaneously?
Spontaneous Visual Routines
Navigational affordances meet visual routines: case studies in mazes and beyond
Percieving "Unfinishedness"
A new visual "Zeigarnik Effect": sensitivity to unfinishedness even despite task-irrelevance
Miscellaneous Research Projects
Ranging from time perception ("Oddball Effect"), to statistical learning, and to the letter "G"!